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Automatic Thought Records: an Anti-Anxiety Tool For Pet Professionals

An anxious woman pressing her hands against her chest.
Anxiety-driven thinking is hard to redirect.

Pet professionals are at high risk of exposure to challenging situations that can magnify anxiety. When we’re anxious, our thoughts can feel like they are on a never-ending loop - and, when we unconsciously allow that loop to keep playing, it can be very difficult to break free from feelings of worry. 

Dog trainers, veterinarians, and groomers often struggle with compassion fatigue. People in these professions face emotional strain due to:

  • High workloads, long hours, and physical demands of the job

  • Difficult interactions with pet owners who may be upset or distressed

  • Financial pressures from operating or working in animal care facilities

  • The toll of delivering difficult news to pet owners

These and other factors make stress management and mental health support crucial for professionals in the pet care field. 

The Automatic Thought Record Technique


Fortunately, there are many strategies that can reduce the effects of emotional stress, including tools such as the Automatic Thought Record Technique.

A method from cognitive-behavioral therapy, the Automatic Thought Record Technique (ATR) is a tool to reframe rigid thought patterns in difficult circumstances. An ATR helps manage anxiety-driven thinking by helping us recognize our negative thought patterns, reframe our thoughts, and facilitate use of healthy coping mechanisms.

By identifying automatic thought patterns, we can take a step back from our feelings, ask ourselves rational questions, and more easily regulate emotions in the midst of challenging situations.

Coping Skills for Work AND Life

When I was recently faced with a difficult predicament, I felt anger toward my husband for not being there to help me. My thoughts spun out of control, my anxiety mounted, and before long I was so stressed I couldn’t sleep. 

Documenting my thoughts and experiences helped me identify the real issues, none of which were my husband’s fault; he had work obligations that prevented him from accompanying me, and neither of us knew in advance how bad the situation would be.

Using the ATR technique helped me form a clearer perspective until my husband could join me. By working to find alternative ways of thinking about the situation, I was better able to cope with difficult emotions, problem solve on my own, and regulate my stress levels during the adverse event.

Simply creating distance from the troubling mindset that accompanies anxiety can facilitate emotional control. 

A man sitting on a park bench writing in a journal.
Using the ATR Technique produces the clarity that leads to peace of mind.

Consciously cultivating mental clarity by breaking down automatic reactions can soothe emotions and reduce stress in any situation. Whenever we find ourselves struggling in life, reflecting on our thought patterns can help us recognize that our thoughts are just that - thoughts! - which may not always reflect reality. 

For example, when we are offended by someone’s words or actions, we can ask ourselves, “Why would a reasonable person behave this way?” Consciously giving others the benefit of the doubt - if only as an exercise - can help us gain perspective. Also, we can strengthen our “inner compass” during moments of intense anxiety by considering what advice we would give to a friend experiencing similar difficulties. 

By examining the evidence for and against our thoughts and consciously developing a balanced perspective, we can release emotional stress and nurture ourselves with a more peaceful mindset.




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